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Aquatic insectivorous plant raccoon algae

2013-03-16 09:01 Source: http: //www.flower-fans.com/ Author: Leaf

Raccoon algae is an aquatic insectivorous plant of the Drosera family Raccoon algae. It is distributed in central, southern Europe, southern and southeastern Asia, northern Oceania, and Heilongjiang Province in China. Floating or submerged herb; single stem-or dividedForked, several centimeters to ten centimeters long; impellers, 6-9 per wheel, connate at the base of the impeller, leaf spoon-shaped; single axillary flower; sepals 5, connate at the base; petals 5, white or green; stamens 5, filigreeShape, anthers longitudinally split; ovary subglobose, lateral membranous placenta 5, style 5; capsule membranous, 5 lobes; seeds are numerous.

The raccoon leaf mask has a complex structure that senses the bristles. When the diatoms or crustaceans touch the bristles, the leaves take the midrib as the axis, and the two sides abut each other until the outer edge is close to each other, wrapping the captured food in the middle, the glandular hairs near the midribIt can secrete protein decomposing enzymes to digest and absorb the catch. Raccoon algae have chlorophyll and can live on their own, but they have no roots and can feed on small insects to supplement their nitrogen nutrients.


Predominantly asexual reproduction, generally ramets and root cutting methods are used for reproduction.

Mink algae are distributed in a wide area, and there are big differences in temperature requirements. Most of them can survive under 10-32 degrees, and some species can withstand 0 degrees or 37 degrees. Most of the mink algae like bright light.Very moist substrate or water growth. Potted plants can use sphagnum moss as substrate, and pots are placed on shallow plates in water 2-5cm to maintain high humidity. In winter, they are placed in a cool environment for overwintering. Use low-mineral concentrationsWater source. The growing season of terrestrial populations is suitable for high-water pot immersion planting to keep the substrate high humidity, dormancy or winter suspension for a long time to cancel the pot immersion, keep the substrate slightly wet; epiphytic populations need to maintain high humidity and good substratePermeability, it can also be planted by low-water pot immersion; the aquatic population should change the water 1-2 times a month according to the water quality, and change about 1/3 of the total water each time.

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