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Medicinal value of Platycodon grandiflorum

2011-07-07 12:50 Source: Baidu know the author: Network

The bellflower flower is also known as the crown cap, bell flower, perennial root herb of the genus CampanulaceaeFlowers. The alias is bell flower, hexagonal lotus, stem grass, Baiyao. The plant is about 70 cm tall, and can be up to 1 meter in artificial cultivation. The leaves are opposite, whorled or alternate, the surface is smooth, and the back is lightly coated with white powder. The flower is singleOr two or three flowers are born on the tips, which resemble a cap when the buds are in bud, and resemble a bell when they open. The flowers are purple-blue, turquoise blue, and pure white. Most of them are single petals, and there are double and semi-double petals.The flower is quiet and elegant, and the flower color is delicate but not gorgeous. Japan uses purple to represent Platycodon grandiflorum, and North Korea uses Platycodon grandiflorum as the height. The purple of the bellflower is bluish, and the blue is purple. It is refreshing and refreshing, giving people a tranquil, elegant, indifferent,Comfortable enjoyment. In the circle of hundreds of flowers, it is a unique scene, known as "the best among flowers, not prosperous". It matches with safflower and has a sense of "excellence". It is a beautiful cut flower and is widely used in blue flowers.The bouquet, a platycodon, can increase the ornamental effect of flower arrangement. It can also be used as a potted flower or planted in flower paths and flower beds. The root is a famous Chinese medicine, which can treat colds, coughs, expectorants and aid digestion. The tender roots are edible.In the past, it was mostly cultivated for medicinal purposes. In recent years, it has been developed as cut flowers and used as anthers. It has great development prospects. Platycodon grandiflorum is native to all parts of our country and has a wide adaptability to the climate.It is more resistant to high temperature and cold, but not tolerant to severe cold and heat. The perennial roots are thick and thick, with more nutrients stored, which is conducive to overwintering and can grow in the north. However, due to the low temperature and short growth period, many plants are shorter and the value of cut flowers is low.It is advisable to choose a sunny and warm place. The hot summer in the south also inhibits plant growth. It is advisable to plant in cool areas with higher altitudes. It likes light, likes humid air, avoids dry wind, and is not durable shade. Likes fertile, moist, well-drained loose soil, Poor growth in heavy soil or water-logged soil. The requirement for soil fertility is not harsh. Generally, it can grow on medium-fertility soil, but the plants in fertile soil are taller and more blooming. For cut flower cultivation, the soil should be deeply turned, Apply sufficient basal fertilizer and topdressing 2-3 times before flowering to promote the growth of flower stems and the formation of flower buds. After cutting flowers, protect the remaining stems and leaves at the base, and apply phosphorus and potassium fertilizer once to facilitate the growth of underground roots.After autumn, it can be collected for medicinal use or reserved for the next year to germinate new plants. RarelyPests and diseases, easier to manage.
Platycodon grandiflorum was first published in "Shen Nong's Materia Medica". It is commonly used in clinical medicine. It tastes bitter, pungent, has a calming nature, and returns to the lung meridian. The function opens up the lung qi and platycodon flowers
, expectorant and relieve cough, relieve throat and dispel congestion, wide chest and drain pus. Pharmacological experiments have confirmed that Platycodon grandiflorum has anti-inflammatory, antitussive, expectorant, antiulcer, lowering blood pressure, dilation of blood vessels, sedation, analgesia, antipyretic, and loweringIt has a wide range of effects such as blood sugar, anticholinergic, promoting bile acid secretion, anti-allergic, etc. It is commonly used to treat symptoms such as coughing excessive sputum, poor chest tightness, sore throat, dull voice, carbuncle vomiting pus, and sore pus.It mainly acts on the lung meridian, and mainly treats upper symptoms such as cough, sore throat, and carbuncle.
Xuanfei Zhicough-Platycodon grandiflorum is specially used in the lung meridian, and the medicine is mild. It can be used for coughs caused by external or internal injuries.
Relieving throat and dispelling masses——Since Platycodon grandiflorum is used to treat sore throat in Shaoyin in "Treatise on Febrile Diseases", Platycodon grandiflorum can be used in various sore throats caused by qi stagnation, blood stasis, heat buildup, and phlegm obstruction.
Elimination of carbuncle and draining pus-The platycodon decoction of "The Synopsis of the Golden Chamber" is suitable for the ulcerative period of pulmonary carbuncle. Platycodon grandiflorum can be used in the early stage of pulmonary carbuncle to disperse the evil and propagate, and the pus can support the poison and drain the pus, and treat the pulmonary carbuncle almostNo other medicine can be substituted. Animal experiments have also confirmed that Platycodon grandiflorum decoction can increase the excretion of the lungs and respiratory tract, so that the pus can be diluted and discharged easily.

Edit: Yuhua Valley
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