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  • The plant information of Lythrum chinense Pterocarpus, Pterocarpus, Iron water chestnut Date:2012-07-05Click:6236

    Lythrum lythrum is also called lythrum platyphylla, diarrhea, and water chestnut. Because its leaves are willow-like leaves, they are also called lythrum, lythrum and lythrum. Lythrum lythrum belongs to the genus Lythrum of the Lythraceae family.Perennial emerging herbaceous plant. The plant height is about 1 meter, the stem is quadrangular, erect and branched, the leaves are opposite or whorled, lanceolate. The long spikes are terminal, small...

  • The medicinal value of Gynostemma Date:2012-07-05Click:3453

    The main effective ingredients of Gynostemma are gypenosides, gypenosides polysaccharides, water-soluble amino acids, flavonoids, vitamins, trace elements, minerals, etc.. Efficacy and role 1. Lower blood pressure, lower blood lipids, and lower blood sugar. 2.Anti-arteriosclerosis, inhibit thrombosis...

  • How to pot honeysuckle Date:2012-04-10Click:19918

    Honeysuckle is an evergreen entwined vine, with bark peeling stems and hollow branches; opposite leaves, oval or nearly heart-shaped; long flowering period, 2 to 3 months. When planting potted plants in the Yangtze River Basin, the first flowers are averageIn mid-April...

  • Common pests and diseases of safflower Safflower Date:2012-02-14Click:3200

    Safflower, also known as safflower. Dicotyledonous plant, Compositae, dry tubular flower, about 1.5 cm long, orange-red, narrow tube, 5-lobed apex, narrow linear lobes, 5-7 mm long,There are 5 stamens, yellow anthers, united into tubes, higher than the lobes, with a stigma exposed in the center. It has a specific aroma and a slightly bitter taste....

  • Efficacy of Polygonum multiflorum Date:2012-02-13Click:1806

    Polygonum multiflorum is a perennial twining vine in the Polygonaceae family. The root is slender, and the end becomes a fat tuber. The appearance is reddish brown to dark brown. "This sketch book": Polygonum multiflorum is present everywhere. West Luosong Mountain and Nanjing ZhechengThe county is the winner. Seedling leaves grow in spring, and the leaves are relatively opaque like sweet potatoes. Its stems spread between bamboo and wood walls. Knot...

  • Artificial cultivation of gentian Date:2012-02-13Click:1223

    Gentian is a plant of the genus Gentianaceae in the family Gentianaceae. It is called gentian, dancao, and sphaerocarpus in Chinese herbal medicine. It is mainly rough gentian, also known as gentian. In addition to this species, there are also Northeast gentian, aliasGentiana leaf and Gentiana triflora can be used as medicine. The roots and rhizomes are used as medicine. The taste is bitter and cold in nature. It returns to the liver and gallbladder meridian. It clears heat and dampness, relieves liver and gallbladder...

  • Planting technology of Pueraria lobata Date:2012-02-12Click:6185

    Pueraria lobata, also known as Pueraria lobata, Pueraria lobata, Pueraria lobata, is a perennial plant of the legume Pueraria lobata. The roots, stems, vines, Pueraria lobata flowers, Pueraria lobata leaves, and seeds are called Pueraria lobata root, Pueraria lobata, Pueraria lobata flower, and Pueraria lobata leaves, respectively.Pueraria lobata and Pueraria lobata can be used as medicine. In addition to the eradication of Pueraria lobata vine, its starch can be used in the food industry, brewing industry, and can be used to grow oil. Pueraria lobata can be used in the textile industry....

  • Cultivation technology of angelica Date:2012-02-10Click:3537

    Angelica is the dried root of Umbelliferae Angelica, also known as Qingui. It is a commonly used Chinese medicine with the effects of nourishing blood, promoting blood circulation, relieving pain and moisturizing the intestines. Mainly produced in Gansu, Shaanxi, Yunnan, Sichuan and other provinces, and most of ShaanxiCultivated. Angelica is an alpine plant, requiring cool and humid climate conditions, and it is fertile, afraid of waterlogging,...

  • Cultivation and maintenance of Asparagus spp. Date:2011-10-22Click:1847

    Asparagus, also known as Asparagus, Mingdong, is an evergreen vine plant in the Liliaceae family, with a medicinal underground tuber. This product has many tubers, clusters, fleshy, yellow-white, long spindle-shaped, with nourishing yin and moisturizing,It has the effects of clearing heat and reducing fire, clearing lungs and promoting body fluids. It is often used clinically to treat dry cough, dry cough, sticky sputum, dry throat and thirst, dry intestinal constipation...

  • The cultivation method of Daqingye Isatis indica Date:2011-10-20Click:10042

    Isatis indica, also known as Daqingye, Dalan, Daqing and Daqing, is a biennial herb and an important material for ancient dyes. It is mainly used for dyes or medicinal purposes. The root used as medicine is called Isatis indigotica, and the leaf used as medicine is called Daqingye.Fresh leaves are also the raw material for making Qingdai. It is native to China. It is mainly produced in Anguo, Hebei Province, Rugao and Nantong in Jiangsu Province. Daqingye...