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Picture of Camellia pests and diseases

2015-03-15 13:32 Source: http: //www.flower-fans.com Author: Edit Group

The flower friends who grow camellia have encountered camelliaPests and diseasesBut many flower friends want to check CamelliaPests and diseasesThe picture is used to judge what disease your camellia is. This article collects and arranges pictures of 7 common diseases and pests of camellia, together with the symptoms of diseases and insect pests, for reference and learning by florists!

1. Camellia anthracnose: It is especially serious in hot and humid areas. The lesions are reddish-brown lesions with concentric rings. Most of the lesions will heal into large irregular lesions. In severe cases, the leaves will become dry and fall off.

2. Camellia cake disease: suitable for cold, foggy, and sunless seasons. The disease mainly damages buds and young leaves. At the initial stage of the disease, small spots are formed on the leaves, which gradually expand to 3.3Centimeter round lesions, white powder can form on the back of mature lesions, which is the source of infection.

3. Camellia spot disease: There is no effective medicine to prevent and cure. The diseased plant has symptoms of wilting and withering at the beginning, but the vascular bundle does not brown. As the disease progresses, it will scorch from the leaf edge to the petiole. In severe cases, the whole plant will be yellowed.The disease mainly damages mature leaves. Most of the diseased spots are round and distributed on the upper surface of the leaves. The upper surface of the leaves appears light brown algae filaments, which wither and die.

4. Camellia coal disease: It occurs on branches and leaves, producing hairy or fluffy brown and black coverings, which are easy to peel off and do not harm tea tissue, but hinder photosynthesis and respiration of leaves and affect tree vigor.The bacteria use honeydew secreted by tea garden scale insects, aphids, whiteflies and other pests as nutrientsReproduction.

5. Camellia scale insects: The leaves of the insect body turn to yellow, the central part of the macula sometimes turns brown, and the mesophyll is sunken. Long-term damage causes the leaves to wither and the growth of the plant weakens. Scale insects secrete sweet honeyDew, symbiosis with ants. In addition, it can induce coal mold and affect plant photosynthesis.

6. Camellia moth: The larvae spins the small twigs to form an adult worm bag, and the worms live in the bag. The larvae feed on the leaves. At the first instar, they eat the epidermis and mesophyll, leaving the upper epidermis.Irregular round food marks.

7. Tetranychus mites: the root tip swells, the black becomes decayed, and the above-ground leaves appear small, yellow, and fallen leaves.

Edit: flower-fans
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