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  • How to remove the roots of Cyperus rotundus Date:2020-09-04Click:169

    Cyperus rotundus, also known as sedge, dry three-lens, gotu kola, is listed as the top ten most vicious weeds in the world. It is a perennial herb with amazing reproductive ability and is widely distributed in most areas of our country.The main points of weed control, I will give you a brief explanation here today, I hope to bring you...

  • What is the reason for the cracking of Kyoho grapes Date:2020-09-04Click:108

    There are several reasons for fruit cracking in Kyoho grapes. 1. The tree is weak and caused by overload. 2. The soil moisture changes too much, which causes the fruit to crack. 3. The improper use of hormones causes the fruit to crack. 4. The girdling technique was used last year., Causing fruit cracking this year. Fertilizer is also very good. After the fruit is fermented, it can be used for watering flowers,...

  • Control of Ficus Root Nematode Date:2019-10-22Click:178

    Root nematodes cause headaches for many flower lovers, not only affecting the growth of fruit trees, but mainly in the short growth of the ground...

  • Is Daikin figs Jin Aofen have characteristics and disadvantages? Date:2019-10-21Click:147

    There are many varieties of figs. Sometimes we only see the abbreviations of the predecessors, which is a bit intangible. For example, Daikin fig. In fact, its real name is Jin Aofen, but netizens call it Daikin.Flower friend’s question, is Dajin Fig is Jin Aofen? The answer is over, let’s learn more about Jin Aofen...

  • There are two types of Brooks cherries cracked fruit, non-cracked fruit Date:2019-09-24Click:133

    Brooks cherries perform well in all aspects, the fruit is large, the fruit is crisp, the fruit is sweet; but there is a fatal flaw that the fruit is easy to crack when it rains, and it needs to be cultivated in shelter from rain. A flower friend asked if there are two types of Brooks cherries.The next forum is indeed controversial about cracked fruit and uncracked Brooks cherry. There are two controversies...

  • The difference between Cuixiang and Xuxiang Date:2019-09-04Click:94

    Nowadays, there are more and more varieties of fruits, and the prices are also very different. Many consumers don’t know how to distinguish. Some netizens want to see the difference between Cuixiang and Xuxiang. Let’s simply talk about the shape and taste of the fruit.Let’s take a look at their differences, for your reference! Cuixiang is much more expensive than Xuxiang in terms of price, if you...

  • Management of kiwi fruit in September, drainage, autumn shearing, and proper harvest Date:2019-09-03Click:154

    September is the critical period before kiwifruit harvesting. The management of kiwifruit in September should focus on drainage, autumn pruning, harvesting at an appropriate time, pest control, and application of basal fertilizer in autumn. 1. Drainage. There is more rain in autumn., It is necessary to check the water accumulation in the orchard at any time, do a good job of drainage of the orchard, prevent waterlogging in the orchard, and reduce the roots of kiwifruit...

  • Picture of kiwi fruit grafting technique suitable for summer Date:2019-09-03Click:111

    Many people are accustomed to watching pictures and watching videos. Just today, there are pictures of kiwi grafting technology, which are very suitable for reference for netizens who want to graft kiwis in summer. Preparation work, leave more than five leaves, and the branches can be lignified. Grafting methodsDepending on personal habits, tongue splicing, split splicing, bud splicing can be used, I am used to tongue splicing, another...

  • Is the orange tree self-pollinating? Date:2019-09-02Click:69

    Nowadays, there are more and more flower buddies of potted fruit trees, but some understanding of fruit trees is not in place. For example, some flower buddies don’t know whether orange trees are self-pollinated. Orange trees are self-pollinated. Planting outdoors isThere is no need for pollination, but if it is grown indoors, because the wind is small, it is not easy to have insect vectors, so it is...

  • The best time to cut the sugar orange ring Date:2019-09-02Click:200

    For the vigorous sugar oranges, circumcision cutting is a common fruit preservation method. How do we know the best time for circling the sugar oranges? For the vigorous tree, the spring shoots, and the few young fruits, the early fat and waterWell-managed plants, such as the sour orange-headed sugar tangerine with fruit in the first two years, can be about 15-...