Yuhuagu——A flower growing expert around flower friends!
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  • Which season does the asparagus bamboo sprout? Date:2020-09-11Click:116

    Asparagus is good-looking, but sometimes flower friends will feel that Asparagus bamboo does not sprout and keeps in a state, so many flower friends want to know in which season Asparagus bamboo sprouts. As an evergreen plant,Under normal circumstances, new shoots may be emitted throughout the year, like places with heating in the north, even in winter...

  • How to raise peony brocade fairy balls Date:2020-08-24Click:106

    Some flower friends want to know how to raise peony fairy balls. This method is suitable for the Yangtze River Delta and other northern cities. The north is more likely to be out of the state. 1. Watering method: spring, summer and autumn dry thoroughly! Do not dry thoroughly in winterBe sure to water thoroughly and control the amount of water! Therefore, it is recommended to water every time it is dry in the season especially in winter when the temperature is low...

  • Deep pots or shallow pots for petunia see flower friends' choice Date:2020-06-01Click:125

    The petunia is a sharp weapon and has many colors, so many flower lovers like to plant. Some flower friends asked whether petunia should be deep or shallow. Because the branching of dwarf is very good, so they usually use wideThe pot with the mouth, so that the later burst pot will look better big flower ball, generally the pot diameter is about 30 cm, this...

  • What kind of fertilizer is used to fertilize the flowers Date:2020-05-15Click:126

    Growing flowers seems to be a simple thing. Many flower lovers do not do well. If they are good, they are always other people’s flowers. Today we will talk about what kind of fertilizer is used to fertilize flowers. There is something wrong., Or if the flower friends need to add, you can leave a message below, I will release it as soon as possible, and everyone will learn together! For us...

  • The branching method of Qin Ye Banyan, pruning is indispensable Date:2020-04-17Click:80

    The most common form of the Qin Ye Ficus is a trunk with a cluster of leaves at the top, but everyone’s preferences are different. For example, some flower friends ask Qin Ye Ficus how to branch, but the natural branching ability of the potted Qin Ye Ficus is relatively weak.Mainly the seedlings are small, although some can grow to more than one meter, but for outdoor planting...

  • Do you want to repot flowers in spring? How to repot flowers Date:2020-03-29Click:100

    Flower growing seems simple, but there are still a lot of things in detail. Now it’s spring, let’s talk about repotting in the process of growing flowers. Key points: 1. The flowers we grow are not required every yearTurn over, this must be remembered...

  • Long tube flower bulb planting time Date:2019-11-20Click:89

    Gesneriaceae plants have been gradually accepted by flower lovers in recent years, so many novice flower lovers want to plant them, but they don’t know the planting time of long-tube flower bulbs. Generally speaking, they are planted in spring, probably in MarchIn the north, planting can be postponed to the end of March; buds will germinate from the end of March to April. Long tube flowers begin to bred large numbers of buds in August,...

  • potted blueberries bloom and bear fruit in a few years Date:2019-11-15Click:118

    I just saw a post from a florist saying that blueberries that have been raised for 4 years do not bloom, so let’s talk about the normal situation that potted blueberries bloom and bear fruit in a few years. Generally speaking, blueberries can bloom in the first year, but most of them are the firstIt blooms in two years, but most flower lovers will not let it bear fruit, because we have to raise trees. Normally...

  • How to grow flowers in winter will not freeze to death Date:2019-11-15Click:81

    For flower lovers, there are things that need extra attention throughout the year. Summer is afraid of heat death, winter is afraid of freezing death, the north has reached winter, and the south has begun to get cold gradually. Let’s sayHow to grow flowers in winter will not freeze to death. 1. Understand that the cold resistance of different flowers and plants is different, some...

  • The lowest temperature for rubber trees to resist cold Date:2019-11-13Click:153

    The weather is getting colder and winter is getting closer. Some flower friends ask if rubber trees are cold-resistant? So in this article, we will talk about the lowest temperature of rubber trees, so that flower friends can have a reference for winter maintenance of rubber trees!Rubber trees like this small potted rubber tree have poor cold resistance and cannot withstand low temperatures, because the seedlings are small, the pots are small, and the root system is not...