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  • How to water the Qin Yerong Date:2019-11-29Click:78

    A florist asked how to water the Qin Yerong. Whether it is a large leaf Qin Ye Ficus or a small leaf Qin Ye, the watering method is the same. The Qin Ye Ficus is a woody plant, so watering does not need to be as careful as a herb.Because the editor also raised a pot of Qin Yerong, which is currently in good condition, so he always watered with the editor's heart...

  • How to maintain potted figs in summer Date:2019-07-18Click:196

    The plum blossoms in early July, and most areas enter the hottest summer of the year. How to maintain potted figs in summer? In such weather, potted figs especially vigorously growing young trees are most prone to shortagesWater and fertilizer shortage, a short period of water and fertilizer shortage, will cause serious damage, leaves, failure...

  • Wise plum winter and spring maintenance management method Date:2019-03-22Click:2889

    Five-color plum, evergreen shrub, 20 cm-50 cm tall, with a strong odor. It can bloom throughout the year, with the most blooming from April to October, the color of the flowers is rich, and each flower has several colors, And can change color, solid is also called "seven changes"....

  • How to deal with the prostitution of the rich tree Date:2019-01-20Click:27793

    Most reasons for the profuse growth of the fortune tree are generally due to the poor light in the breeding environment, excessive watering, and a long growth date. The prolonged growth of the fortune tree seriously affects the ornamental value, and the pruning method is generally used for treatment.The branches are leggy, and the strong branches only leave 34 buds at the base when removed,...

  • How to trim white orchids not blindly Date:2018-05-02Click:112

    I saw some florists asking how to prune potted white orchids. It is necessary to talk to them. Generally speaking, potted white orchids are controlled by plucking leaves instead of pruning, and if the branches of white orchidsIt cannot be pruned if it has been lignified, because it will wither. If pruning is generally green branches without lignification...

  • How to breed white orchids in winter focus on temperature Date:2018-03-29Click:67

    Many plants need to be cultivated flexibly in winter. This is mainly because of different regions and different environments. There is a difference between heating and no heating. There is also a difference between the south and the north, so flower friends ask how to cultivate white orchids in winter.Flower friends should use flexibly according to the actual situation, not blindly....

  • Can Shouxing Peach bear fruit|Yes, but focus on viewing flowers Date:2018-03-20Click:148

    Some flower friends like potted fruit trees, and Shou Xing Tao is more suitable for potted peach trees, but the flower friends asked, can Shou Xing Tao fruit? The editor did some homework for this problem, and compiled the information for the reference of flower friends....

  • How to raise camellia novice must see Date:2017-12-06Click:83

    For novice flower lovers, how to raise camellia is a very high threshold. The author thinks that camellia is a relatively easy plant to raise. Over the years, it can be considered as a little experience accumulated. I will give you a quick introduction.Novices are helpful....

  • The cultivation and maintenance method of Black King Kong Date:2017-12-01Click:61894

    Black King Kong is a variant of Indian rubber ficus, also called rubber tree. It loves high temperature and high humidity environment, likes light, is resistant to direct sunlight, is intolerant to shade, cold, and can withstand mild drought. Black King Kong is in the process of curingThe reasons why yellow leaves appear and fall off are generally: 1. The temperature is too low. The suitable temperature for the growth of black diamond is 2...

  • How to grow peony picture and text Date:2017-09-27Click:134

    It’s almost time to plant peony. Many florists don’t know how to plant peony. This article is a planting example of a florist the best fragrance in the world. The issues that florists care about will be reflected in the sample species, I hope to be helpful to flower friends!...