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  • How to deal with Jianlan Xiaobao Date:2020-08-27Click:57

    For novices, it is inevitable to eliminate the buds. Some flower friends asked Jianlan how to deal with the elimination of buds. Let alone the reason for the elimination of buds. If the phenomenon of bud elimination has already occurred, we don’t need to do anything.It’s just fine if it wilts naturally, and the buds will naturally shrink, just wait until they are completely dry and cut off! Some flower friends are worried, withered...

  • Introduction to the characteristics of Mayor Red Orchid picture Date:2019-12-06Click:123

    There are many varieties of orchids. Some flower friends want to see the introduction of the characteristics of Mayor Red Orchid. The editor compiled an article, hoping to be helpful to Lanyou. Mayor Red is the famous product of Jianlan red flowers.It's more expensive, but now the price is not expensive, you can buy it at about 30-50 yuan. The mayor's red orchid has good stress resistance,...

  • The flower friend asked if the Phalaenopsis can be replaced with flowers Date:2019-10-29Click:79

    I received a question from a florist. Can the Phalaenopsis bring flowers to be replaced? It is a taboo to change the pot during the flowering period, but sometimes we do not necessarily have to stick to this theory. If you want to change the pot during the Phalaenopsis period,But we can’t change the soil. Sometimes the Phalaenopsis we bought is in the flowering period, but the flower pots don’t look good. I want to change it...

  • Question: When will the Phalaenopsis be replaced? Date:2019-10-28Click:61

    Reply: Some flower friends asked when is the best time to change the Phalaenopsis. Phalaenopsis is a tropical plant and can be changed throughout the year in South China. However, considering the flowering period, it is recommended to do it during the growth period outside the flowering period.Change pot operation, because the situation of flower friends in the region is different, the specific month, flower...

  • Is Dancing Girl Lan afraid of heat? How to raise it Date:2019-10-09Click:184

    Dancing girl orchid is commonly known as Oncidium, a flower friend asked if Dancing girl orchid is afraid of heat and how to raise it. Although Dancing girl orchid is a tropical plant, it is not very heat-resistant. It mainly likes high temperature and high humidity environment.The high temperature of the domestic dancing girl orchid in summer is pure heat, so if you want to raise the dancing girl orchid, you must shade in summer, not...

  • Jianlan green beak blooms in a few months Date:2019-09-27Click:88

    The most expectation of growing orchids is blooming. Some orchid friends asked Jianlan green beak to bloom in which month. Generally speaking, the blooming period of green beak is in summer and autumn. The southern area blooms earlier than the north.The main flowering period is at the end of October, and the main flowering period is from July to the end of October in the north. Of course, the conservation environment is not...

  • Question: The difference between Doubanlan and Chunlan Date:2019-09-27Click:189

    Answer: Doubanlan is one of the many outstanding orchid varieties in Yunnan. Doubanlan is a subspecies of Chunlan. It has been separated into a line and hybridized with Chunlan. It has a delicate fragrance. If it does not bloom, it looks like Chunlan. It is difficult to distinguishAfter blooming, the watercress has thick petals, dark green, and a good flower shape, but it is not fragrant. If there is a fragrant...

  • Can I spray orchids with lots of flowers? Date:2019-09-26Click:158

    A flower friend asked Huaduoduo to spray orchids. There are many kinds of Huaduoduo. The more common ones are Huaduoduo No. 1 and No. 2. Among them, Huaduoduo No. 1 is a general fertilizer with balanced nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium, and No. 2 mainly promotes flowers.The content of phosphorus and potassium fertilizer is good, but orchid is a oligo-fertilizer plant, which means that the demand for fertilizer is not very large, even if it is not fertile...

  • How to raise Dendrobium butterfly Date:2019-09-24Click:168

    Dendrobium butterfly is also called autumn dendrobium. It is an epiphytic herb of the genus Dendrobium of the orchid family. Many flower lovers have a soft spot for Dendrobium butterfly. It has good multiple flowers and is easy to grow. But for novices, look at their predecessors.The experience gained from this is very important for the follow-up maintenance work! 1. I have used a lot of soil medium, orchid...

  • Description of Phalaenopsis compound flower process Date:2019-09-17Click:124

    Many flower friends think that the butterfly orchid will be thrown away after it is thanked. In fact, the phalaenopsis has a good complex flower. Here we will briefly talk about the process ofThere is an understanding of the flowering season. Phalaenopsis has two flowering levels, one is in spring, the other is around June,...