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  • What kind of soil is good for pot flowers? Date:2019-03-15Click:9332

    Potted flower, because its root system can only move in a small soil range, so the soil requirements are more stringent than open field flowers. On the one hand, it requires as many nutrients as possible, and the limited potted soil contains flower breeding groundsNutrients needed; on the other hand, it requires good physical and chemical properties, that is, the structure should be thin...

  • What are the commonly used cutting methods Date:2019-01-13Click:16042

    Cutting propagation is a commonly used propagation method in floriculture. It is a method of cutting the roots, branches, buds, leaves, etc. of flowers and trees and inserting them into the substrate to make roots and buds to form new plants. ThisThis method is determined according to the regeneration ability of the various organs of various flowers and plants. Depending on the cutting materials...

  • Domestic jasmine needs Siqin Date:2018-10-21Click:30395

    Jasmine has a long flowering period. Through summer, autumn and even early winter, the home is always filled with the faint scent of jasmine. Some people think that the scent of jasmine is difficult to grow. In fact, jasmine is not difficult to treat. The key is to pay attention to the following points: First, sufficientThe light. Jasmine is a strong positive plant and likes strong light. Generally speaking, except for strong wind...

  • How to maintain northern potted jasmine Date:2018-10-21Click:30010

    Northern potted jasmine conservation method, the preparation of cultivating soil is fertile, loose, and well-drained slightly acidic soil. Generally 4 parts of garden soil, 4 parts of compost soil, 2 parts of river sand or grain ash, plus fully decomposedAppropriate amount of dry cakes, chicken and duck dung, etc. You can also make your own cultivation soil, mix garden soil and animal and plant raw materials such as vegetable leaves...

  • Gerbera gerbera cultivation and maintenance method Date:2017-11-05Click:11783

    Gerbera is also called gerbera, breviscapine, autumn English, Persian flower, spilanthus Chinese name: Gerbera family Chinese name: Compositae is a perennial herb. Gerbera likes to be mild in winter and cool in summerThe optimal temperature is 15~25℃, if it is lower than 7℃, the leaves will wither. In the south of the Yangtze River...

  • Detailed explanation of petunia dwarf planting methods Date:2013-09-09Click:9948

    Morning glory and petunia are plants of two different families. Morning glory, Convolvulaceae, Morning Glory. Annual climbing flowers. Petunia, Solanaceae, Petunia. Perennial herb.1. Sowing: Because the seeds of petunia are fine, sowing does not need to cover the soil. Sprinkle the seeds on the surface of the fine soil and spray water for water not...

  • Main points of cultivation of Dahlia Date:2013-07-29Click:387

    Dahlia should choose dwarf varieties. Pot soil is made up of 5 parts garden soil, 3 parts fine sand or slag, and 2 parts manure. The bottom of the pot should be added with broken tiles as a drainage layer. 10 cm pots for seedlings, After slowing the seedlings, pour the thin cake and fertilizer water once, and change the pots twice before the seedlings are 20 cm high before budding. Each time, add new leaf soil to enrich the sides of the pots. Fill...

  • Four Elements for Wintering Flowers Date:2013-07-26Click:619

    Some flower growers think that it is difficult to grow flowers in winter, and they have been well taken care of. Fertilization and fertilization should be watered, but the flowers will still die. What is the reason? In fact, there are many taboos in growing flowers in winter.Yes, mastering these can make your favorite flowers survive the winter safely. Don’t overheat the room. Many flowers...

  • Why doesn't Clivia bloom Date:2013-07-16Click:12716

    Clivia is an evergreen perennial herb with strong resistance to negatives. Its leaves are thick and dark green. There are many stomata and fluff growing on it. It can secrete a lot of mucus. During the gas exchange process, it can absorb a lot of indoor dust., Dust and harmful gases, make the indoor air clean, which is very good for our health...

  • Why do flowers die if watering too much? Date:2013-07-15Click:643

    Potted flowers are watered too much, the water fills the soil gaps, the air in the soil is replaced by water, and the outside air cannot enter at this time, which causes the soil to lack oxygen, the respiration of the roots is hindered, the physiological function is reduced, and the roots absorb water.The ability to absorb fertilizer is hindered. At the same time, due to the lack of oxygen in the soil, the soil has the function of decomposing organic matter...