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  • How to grow small leaves on a single leaf lotus simple Date:2020-07-29Click:101

    As long as it is well maintained, the growth rate of a leaf lotus is still very fast. It is not as worried about rotten roots as a soil plant. A flower friend asked how to grow a leaf lotus. This is actually very simple. If your pot is notLarge, you can cut off the small leaves when they grow to about 5 cm, and put them in a new pot. If the tank is big enough, don’t use...

  • Does the one leaf lotus bloomed flower need to be cut off? Date:2020-07-29Click:81

    In the flower market, there are more and more one-leaf lotus. Many flower lovers like to keep the one-leaf lotus in a water basin, so do you need to cut the failed flower of the one-leaf lotus? In fact, this question is not important, becauseIn nature, no one cuts the failed flowers for it. We can see the picture above, its flowers are separated, so...

  • The one-leaf lotus will fade in one day, normal Date:2019-10-20Click:140

    Some florists saw a lotus leaf at the flower and bird market, which is very beautiful, and the price is not expensive, but when you buy it and find that a leaf lotus blooms in a day, it will fade away, don’t you know it’s normal? The lotus leaf period is very short.It is said that it will thank you in a day or so, even in a few hours. Although a single leaf lotus has a short flowering period, it blooms...

  • How does one leaf lotus split and reproduce simple Date:2019-10-18Click:106

    In the past two years, the one-leaf lotus seems to be a little fire, and flower lovers like to breed, so how does the one-leaf lotus reproduce by dividing the leaves? It is actually very simple. It can be divided into two stages, one is when there is no root.The other is to ensure that the points are divided when they have roots. Let's take a look at the method of dividing leaves in detail. Like the picture above...

  • How long can one leaf lotus grow, perennial herb Date:2019-10-18Click:65

    There is a kind of aquatic plant with small white flowers that has captured the hearts of many flower lovers. One leaf can open several small white flowers. The trade name is generally called a leaf lotus. Many florists want to know how long a leaf lotus can grow., In theory, it can be kept forever, because one-leaf lotus is a perennial floating-leaf aquatic herb of the Nymphaceae family, as long as it is maintained...

  • Will Wanlian freeze to death in winter? Will it be released by itself the next year Date:2019-10-10Click:89

    Before winter, many florists are looking for knowledge about the wintering of the flowers and plants they raise. Today we will answer two questions from florists. Will the bowl lotus freeze to death in winter? Will it be released by itself the next year? First, bowl lotus winterWhether it can freeze to death or not depends mainly on the local minimum temperature, the size of the bowl where the lotus is planted, and the depth of the mud. These are all...

  • Can cattails be raised in pots Date:2019-09-20Click:85

    Cattail flower lovers are not unfamiliar, and there is also Pu Bang, because it looks like grilled sausage and has a little fragrance, so many flower lovers like it. Some flower friends ask if cattail can be kept in a pot, we mustLet’s talk to the flower buddy about something practical. Potted plants are definitely ok, and sausages can also be grown, but there are requirements. First of all, you must...

  • What kind of soil is used for planting lotus root in the water tank, can it bloom Date:2019-09-20Click:77

    Our countrymen have always loved lotus flowers. A flower friend asked what kind of soil is used for planting lotus root in the water tank. Do you have to use pond mud? Actually, you don’t need to use pond mud. Most of the soil can be used, such as field soil and garden soil.You can use it to grow lotus root, but it needs to be treated. We put the soil in the tank, then add water and stir, stir...

  • Can bowl lotus and water lily grow together Date:2019-09-09Click:76

    There are more bowls of lotus on the balcony or courtyard, but less water lilies. This is mainly because the water lilies are relatively large, while the bowl lotus is a pocket-sized lotus, so some florists asked if the bowl lotus and the water lily can be raised together, If the two of them are potted plants, they cannot be raised together. In most cases, the bowl lotus will be run to death, but if it is a pond...

  • What to do if the bowl of lotus leaves the water and the tip is dry Date:2019-09-07Click:72

    Many flower lovers have a special liking for lotus flowers. Wanlian walks into the balcony of the flower friends with smaller plants. However, some flower friends find that the bowl lotus leaves the water and do the work. They don’t know what to do. Faced with this situation,We can only get the buds back into the water. The reason why the lotus buds in the bowl are exposed and dry is because the buds in the pots receive little wind, and the wind is...