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  • Is the Australian winter plum dyed with basic information Date:2019-03-07Click:160

    Australia wintersweet is considered a higher-end cut flower species. Do any florists want to know how Australian wintersweet is dyed? As far as the editor knows, the original color of Australian wintersweet is mainly white, and some are slightly pink, but like red, yellow, blueThe Australian winter plums of different colors are dyed. The Australian winter plum in the picture above is not dyed, and...

  • Care of fresh cut flowers of cattleya Date:2017-12-23Click:175

    Cattleya is also the tropical orchid we often say. Some flower friends like to buy fresh cut cattleya flowers and make flower arrangements by themselves. I hope to learn about the maintenance methods of cut cattleya flowers and extend the flowering period as much as possible. Let’s talk about it belowHow to maintain cattleya...

  • How to keep flowers for a long time Date:2016-02-12Click:68

    After receiving the flowers, many flower friends don’t know how to keep the flowers for a long time. This article tells them some common maintenance methods, and also tells them some small points of daily maintenance, so as to avoid wrong maintenance....

  • Three points for beginners in flower arrangement Date:2013-07-30Click:1314

    1 The basic shape of flower arrangement 1. The horizontal design emphasizes the horizontal shape of horizontal extension. The center is slightly raised, and the left and right ends are elegantly curved designs. The biggest feature of its shape is that it can be appreciated from any angle. It is mostly used for dining tables.Coffee table, conference table furnishings. 2. Triangular flowers can be inserted into regular triangles, etc...

  • How to make your own dried flowers Date:2013-05-11Click:2021

    Many of the flowers we put on weekdays can be made into dried flowers, especially the bouquets that are of special significance to us, which can be stored for a longer time after being made. We can also buy flower petals and dry them into sachets.Cheap. The easiest and most natural way is to bunch flowers and place them in a warm and dry place...

  • How to match flower arrangement Date:2013-05-11Click:716

    In nature, the cells of most plant leaves contain green pigments. We know that when sunlight passes through a prism, it will be divided into six visible color spectra. If the six-color light passes through the chlorophyll solution and is transmitted to the white screenAt this time, it can be found from the spectrum on the screen: the red light is close to...

  • The theme of flower arrangement creation Date:2013-05-11Click:620

    The theme is the central idea to be expressed in the artwork, and it is also the embodiment of the artistic beauty and spiritual beauty contained in the artwork. It is the soul of artistic trauma. Contemporary aesthetician Zong Baihua said: "The decorativeness of art is the part of the beauty of art., But art must not only meet the requirements of beauty, but also the requirements of thought....

  • How to keep the flowers fresh in the flower arrangement Date:2013-05-11Click:1390

    For flower arrangements, it is important to ensure a good display environment, but regular maintenance and management must not be ignored. The indoor air is humid, which helps keep the flowers fresh. Without a humidifier,It is very important to spray water on the flowers every 1-2 days in summer, and every 2-3 days in autumn and winter, and change the water in the container. When changing the water, without affecting and destroying the shape...

  • Flower arrangement and room lighting Date:2013-05-11Click:880

    Different lighting methods in different rooms will bring us different psychological feelings. This is caused by a series of changes in the feelings and emotions brought to us by the integration of light and shadow and room colors. It often directly affects usThe psychological feeling of the flower arrangement. The arrangement of the flower arrangement in the room must achieve a certain artistic effect, and it is also restricted by this change of light and shadow without exception. If you want to make the flower arrangement...

  • The essentials of bouquet arrangement Date:2013-05-11Click:1391

    Ceremonial bouquets. Mainly used for welcoming, sending and celebrating activities. The main shapes are fan-shaped, triangular, conical, hemispherical and free-style graphics. The flowers should be of high quality, non-irritating, and pollution-free, And the type with a long-lasting flowering period. The color should be bright and bright. When inserting, it should be avoided to arrange the flower branches into flat pieces or gather them into a group during the day. The former is dull and the latter is messy. No matter what the shape...