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  • How to top the young geranium seedlings hand-in-hand graphic Date:2019-10-24Click:145

    It is very necessary to top the geranium if you want to burst the pot, and the best time for topping is the seedling stage. Let’s take a look at how to top the young geranium seedlings.You can see it at a glance. The topping and topping operation can be performed when the geranium seedlings grow to the following picture....

  • How to water geraniums in summer Date:2019-08-25Click:185

    I have been raising geraniums for 10 years. For flower lovers, summer is the most feared thing to raise geraniums. One of the keys to growing geraniums in summer is how to water geraniums in summer. Then today I will use the method of summer geraniums to spend these years.Friends said that for geraniums, they are most afraid of high temperature and high humidity and easy black rot. 1. It is recommended to put...

  • Geranium grafting method and process Date:2019-06-25Click:51

    It is not uncommon for flower friends to play grafting at home now, as longevity flowers can also be grafted. In this article, we will talk about the method and process of geranium grafting, mainly for reference to flower friends! The following isThe geranium grafting process of Flower Friends Qingdao Forever Child, edited slightly. 1. Choose a tree...

  • How to raise geraniums in summer safe for summer Date:2019-06-07Click:147

    For many plants, summer is the gate of a ghost. Many flower friends ask how to raise geraniums in summer. In fact, the main points of geraniums in summer are those few. The point is that flower friends need to think about it. According to local realityThe situation can change flexibly. Geraniums like a cold environment and are more afraid of heat. In summer...

  • Geranium can be raised for several years perennial Date:2019-05-24Click:186

    Today’s question may have two meanings. Let’s talk about it. The problem is that geranium can be raised for several years. If only from the perspective of life span, as long as no fatal damage occurs, under the right environment, geranium can live.A few decades should be fine. The editor heard that geraniums with flower friends have been raised for 20 years, but unfortunately I didn’t find them...

  • Main points of maintenance of geranium in summer Date:2019-05-05Click:200

    Spring is going to summer, and summer is coming in an instant. For many plants, summer maintenance is very important. In this article, we will talk about the main points of summer maintenance of geraniums for reference for flower lovers! 1. Watering: To avoid waterWet and rotten roots, watering must see dry and wet click to see the explanation of dry see wet watering, small...

  • Can geranium be pruned in spring pruning is not recommended Date:2019-03-16Click:160

    It is an indisputable fact that geraniums need to be pruned, but the season of pruning is very important. A florist asked if geraniums can be pruned in spring? This season cannot be pruned, unless there is no expectation for geraniums to bloom. Spring is the growth of geraniumsIn peak season, it is not recommended to top or prun during the peak season of geranium growth...

  • Water cutting method of geranium|7 days rooting experience Date:2018-06-11Click:70

    Geranium cuttings are an important method of reproduction of geraniums. Both soil cuttings and water cuttings have been very popular among flower friends. Although there is no big secret about the water cutting method of geraniums, we are mainly talking about a flower friend today.The experience of water insertion, the experience of rooting in 7 days....

  • What season is geranium fertilized? Do not fertilize dormant, diseased seedlings, etc. Date:2018-05-07Click:144

    The importance of fertilization is of course needless to say, so when does geranium fertilize? Actually, there is no specific season. Generally speaking, it is fertilization during the growth period. Fertilization is not allowed during the dormant period and the diseased seedling period. Basically all plants are fertilized.at this point....

  • What kind of pelargonium is Date:2018-02-03Click:75

    For flower lovers who are new to geraniums, they often see old flower friends saying "earth sky" and "foreign sky", so what kind of earth geranium is? Actually, earth geranium does not refer to a certain species, but an introductionThe pelargonium species in China for many years, generally these pelargoniums have adapted to the domestic climate, and there are many popular among the people...