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  • Venus flytrap breeding method Date:2017-03-03Click:133

    I saw a flower friend asking how to reproduce the Venus flytrap. Generally speaking, there are three ways to reproduce the Venus flytrap. They are leaf cutting, branching, and sowing. Each method has its own characteristics.Choose the method that suits you in the actual situation....

  • Judith Sarracenia Date:2016-01-16Click:51

    Judith Sarracenia is a hybrid carnivorous plant species native to the United States. The leaves of Judith Sarracenia stand upright or lying on the side in a bottle shape, most of which are bright in color with gorgeous spots or nets, and the shape is similar to the cage of NepenthesSimilar, it can secrete honey juice and digestive juice. Insects lured by honey juice fall into the bottle, and the digestion in the bottle...

  • Reproduction of earthenware-ramets Date:2015-06-23Click:179

    The propagation methods of the earthenia grass include seeding, ramification, tissue culture, etc. It is easier for the flower friends who already own the earthenia grass to do it. This article summarizes the process of sorting out the ramifications of the earthenia grass based on experience., The process is very detailed, which is a good reference for novice flower lovers....

  • Utricularia parthenopipes Date:2015-03-19Click:128

    The siren Utricularia is a small annual terrestrial insectivorous plant of the genus Utricularia, which is endemic to Brazil. It grows between 500 meters and 1,500 meters above sea level. It often grows in moist, sandy soil on sandstone.Algae is a relatively partial insectivorous plant, not many domestic insectivorous enthusiasts raise....

  • Pinguicula reticulata Date:2015-02-14Click:87

    The reticulated pansy is an insectivorous plant of the Utriculariaceae pansy. The plant is relatively short, about 5 cm in diameter, and has lavender flowers. The best maintenance temperature is 15℃ to 25℃, and the minimum temperature cannot be lowered.At 0℃, it is better to conserve plants more than 50%...

  • Drosera propagation leaf cutting, sowing Date:2014-12-02Click:53

    The most commonly used methods of drosera reproduction are seeding and leaf inserting. First, sowing. The seeds of drosera are very small, such as dust, which can easily be blown off by accident. The seeding of drosera is mainly concentratedIn the three seasons of spring, summer and autumn, sowing depends on different varieties...

  • How to Seed Drosera at Cape of Good Hope Date:2014-11-22Click:75

    Cape Drosera is also called Cape Drosera. It is a carnivorous plant that grows in South Africa. Cape Drosera is a completely red individual. Under sufficient sunlight, the whole plant will appear red. Many flower lovers trySowing Cape Drosera by yourself, the following is the experience of flower friends....

  • Venus flytrap waist water conservation Date:2014-11-14Click:81

    Venus flytrap waist water cultivation is now used by many flower lovers. When using the waist water method for maintenance, you only need to pay special attention to the high temperature in summer. The waist water bottom will increase the water temperature rapidly due to strong sunlight.The boiling water is absorbed by the bottom of the basin and evaporated on the surface of the medium...

  • How to raise sundew Date:2014-10-14Click:192

    Drosera is a species of insectivorous plants. Many flower lovers don’t know how to raise drosera. This article is a summary of the experience of cultivating drosera. First of all, talk about the species of insectivorous plants.Venus Flytrap, Drosera, Sarracenia, Insect Pansy, Utricularia, Soil Bottle, Sun Sarracenia, Rainbow Grass, Style Grass, etc....

  • Drosera filiformis var.tracyi Date:2014-09-24Click:160

    Silk-leaf drosera is drosera, which is a relatively special large drosera variety. The buds unfold in a spiral like a fern and become elongated linear leaves. The length of the leaves can reach up to 45 cm.It is also a variety that is easier to grow....