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  • Can you use alcohol instead of carbendazim? Date:2020-10-08Click:76

    Carbendazim and chlorothalonil have gradually become essential for flower lovers to grow flowers, but some flower lovers are unwilling to use drugs, so I ask if there is no carbendazim can be replaced with alcohol, here can tell flower lovers that it is not good, alcoholIt is volatile, and alcohol kills only the bacteria on the surface, while carbendazim is a systemic agent,...

  • Is the monster dripping normal? Date:2020-10-07Click:93

    We are more accustomed to dripping Guanyin dripping water, but when we discover the phenomenon of monstera dripping water, we don’t know if it is normal or not. In fact, this is a normal spitting phenomenon of plants.This phenomenon, theoretically speaking, there are many types of plants in many tropical plants, all of which can drip...

  • What is the reason why potted osmanthus does not bloom Date:2020-09-30Click:63

    A flower friend asked himself why the potted sweet-scented osmanthus did not bloom. When the plant that should bloom does not bloom, we often need to find the reason from daily maintenance. We must understand its habits and maintain them according to their habits. WeTake sweet-scented osmanthus for example. Although sweet-scented osmanthus can tolerate half shade, it has enough sunshine, not lower than -10℃...

  • Milan prefers acidic or alkaline Date:2020-09-28Click:120

    Florists all know that flowers are divided into north and south. Generally speaking, southern flowers like acidic soil. Some flower friends asked Milan whether they prefer acidic or alkaline soil. Milan prefers acidic soil. In the north, garden soil and the likeThey are all alkaline soil, so it is very difficult to grow Milan with this kind of soil, so it is generally potted to plant Milan...

  • Why do clematis have frozen seedlings and how to deal with them Date:2020-09-10Click:189

    The price of clematis has come down in recent years, and many flower lovers have raised them, but it is also very depressing to encounter stiff seedlings. Many flower buddies are asking why clematis have stiff seedlings during this period.Treatment, after the clematis is replanted, the seedlings will not move for a month or even a few months. They will not die or live. This is a stiff seedling....

  • How much can a pocket coconut grow to be taller Date:2020-09-09Click:54

    Pocket coconut is a very common foliage potted plant, and now many northern flower lovers are also planting it. The flower-friendly exotic pocket coconut can grow much taller. The pocket coconut is an evergreen shrub of the genus Bamboo palm. From the plant categoryKnowing that it will not grow too tall, and is affected by the climate and environment, our potted pocket coconut is raw...

  • Is plant ash more acidic or alkaline? Date:2020-09-08Click:134

    Plant ash is an alkaline fertilizer and has the ability to neutralize acidic soil. Plant ash mainly increases potash fertilizer. If plant ash is mixed with bean cake fertilizers, the fat of bean cake can be precipitated. Plant ash not only has a certain insecticidal function, And plant ash can also promote the fermentation of bacteria and promote organic matter...

  • Can the expired coffee beans be placed directly in the flowerpot to grow vegetables and flowers Date:2020-09-04Click:59

    Expired coffee beans cannot be sprinkled directly in flower pots. It is difficult for flowers to directly absorb the nutrients in coffee beans. Therefore, if you use coffee beans as fertilizer, you must grind the coffee beans into coffee grounds.After being fermented, it can be mixed in the soil to grow flowers. Coffee beans contain a lot of nitrogen compounds, not...

  • Does fermented fruit peel belong to nitrogen fertilizer? Date:2020-09-04Click:75

    I believe many people know that some fruit peels can be used as fertilizer after fermentation. But many people don’t know what kind of fertilizer it is, whether it is nitrogen fertilizer, phosphate fertilizer, or potassium fertilizer. 80% of fruit peel is water, so a small amount of fruit peelFertilizer effect may not be very good! 1 Does fermented fruit peel belong to nitrogen fertilizer? In fact, most fruit peels...

  • 4 tips from Vilan Duxia Date:2020-08-24Click:90

    Many flower lovers who like Viola are worried about summer because they have to consider the issue of Viola summer. Some flower friends summarized a few Viola summer experiences based on their years of planting experience.It is a good reference! 1. It is important to exercise the root system of Viola before summer. 2. Viola is more resistant to dry heat than...