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Longsulan picture

http://www.flower-fans.com Author: Li Mu 2012-04-17Go to the Flower Forum to communicate
  • Chinese name:Grand Bean Orchid
  • Alternative name:Pingtung Shidoulan, Longxulan
  • Latin scientific name:
  • Family:
  • Origin distribution:Taiwan, Sri Lanka

Scientific name: Bulbophyllum pingtungensis Bulbophyllum wightii, flowering period: autumn-spring, flower life 7-10 days, smell: smell, sunshine: medium light, cultivation difficulty: easy.

Mr. He Fushun, a famous Lanshang/collector, may be this wayOrchidOne of the earliest discoverers. In the academic world, Professor Ying Shaoshun first described it as a new species [Pingtung Shidoulan] in 1985, and teacher Su Hongjie reported this species again in 1987, and the middle name was[Dahuadoulan], and believes that it is the same species as the B. wightii that is locally produced in Sri Lanka. Comparing the existing literature, there are still some differences between the Taiwanese population and the B. wightii of Sri Lanka, and this kind of jump-like copy is not the same.It’s too common. Therefore, we still consider the Taiwanese ethnic groups as different species for the time being. Although Teacher Ying might have turned the flowers upside down and made the original description of B. pingtungensis quite weird, the publication of this scientific name is still legal and must be used..

Note: If you find that this is not the Longxulan you are looking for, I suggest you refer to:Picture of Dragon Blood Tree

Picture: Longxulan Picture

Picture: Longxulan Picture

Picture: Longxulan Picture

Picture: Longxulan Picture

Edit: Yuhuaren
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