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Picture of clamp lip orchid

http://www.flower-fans.com Author: Network 2013-06-01Go to the Flower Forum to communicate
  • Chinese name:Clamp lip blue
  • Alternative name:
  • Latin scientific name:Erythrodes blumei
  • Family:Orchidaceae Pseudomonas
  • Origin distribution:my country's Taiwan, Guangdong, Guangxi, Yunnan and other places

Plier lip orchid, plant height 18-60 cm. Rhizomes are elongated, creeping, nodular, and rooting at nodules. Stems are erect, cylindrical, and green. Leaves are ovoid, elliptical or ovate-lanceolate, sometimesSlightly skewed, dark green on the top, light green on the underside; flower stems are pubescent, racemes are terminal, with many dense flowers, small flowers, sepals with reddish brown or brownish green, petals oblanceolate, florescence 4–May.

Picture: Picture of pliers lip orchid

Picture: Picture of pliers lip orchid

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