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How to raise camellia novice must see

2017-12-06 23:07 Source: http: //www.flower-fans.com Author: Text / Ivy Green Gables

For novice flower lovers, how to raise camellia is a very high threshold. The author believes that camellia is a relatively easy plant to raise. Over the past few years, it can be considered as a little experience accumulated.Novices are helpful.

First of all, the purchase of seedlings must be from a well-recognized merchant. There are many online scammers. If you want to buy a certain variety, ask your flower friends first. I won't talk about this.

Upper pot: In most cases, the new pots are the seedlings sold in the nursery, with nutrient pots, or the original soil is removed for sale. Whether the original soil needs to be removed depends on the difference between the original soil and the new soil. If the new one is replacedThe medium is not much different from the original soil, and it can be directly used in the basin. For example, some people use red soil and leaf soil to add sand. If the original soil is loose, it does not need to be removed. But if the original soil is thick red soil, the new medium is peatFor perlite type, it is better to wash the roots. You can soak in a basin or slightly wash the surface of the soil ball to expose the white roots. I usually mix red jade with peat, and the effect of washing the roots is fine.Because the medium for growing tea is generally relatively compact, an extra layer of light medium for the drainage layer should be placed to prevent accumulation of water.

Check if there are new seedlings when you pot itPests and diseases, scale insects are common, spray the medicine once after potting, and water more for the first time. After watering, water slowly again to help mix the new and old media.

Do not use breedingChinese roseThe method of treating camellia. Camellia grows slowly. If there is no special reason, it is best not to cut roots or leaves a lot when potting, otherwise the young seedlings may hang. I think that when the camellia is slow seedling, pruning is basically unnecessary, unless it is too long.It is not necessary to remove all the flower buds, just remove the part according to the seedling age.

Water and fertilizer management: There is a saying on the Internet that there is no need to see dry and wet. But I still follow this method. Increase the number of watering during the flowering period. Although it can promote flowering, the flowering period will also be shortened. The flower pot should not be too large, Use a nutrient bowl for less than three years, and a gallon-sized bowl for three to five years, so that the dry and wet cycle is easy to control.

Fertilization is necessary, but Camellia does not like big water and big fertilizer. If liquid fertilizer is used, I usually dilute it to half of the recommended concentration. The nitrogen fertilizer basically uses compound organic fertilizer, mixed with some bone meal as phosphorus and potassium fertilizer. No livestockManure, prevent the burning of seedlings. Camellia requires weakly acidic soil, plant ash and rice husk charcoal are alkaline, not suitable for camellia. Watering the flowers with tap water increases the alkalinity of the medium and requires the application of ferrous sulfate every month. I often forget,So I mixed sulfur powder in the soil. Put some quick-acting phosphate fertilizer in the early stage of pregnancy.

Lighting: full light can be used for most of the year, partly shaded in summer.

Common pests and diseases: the most common are scale insects on the back of the leaves, which are black and yellow, about 1 mm in size. Once found, it is the easiest way to wipe it off with a paper towel. If there is cotton-like substance on the branches, it is a cotton-blowing scale insect., Can be sprayed on the leaves. Conventional insecticides can be used.

Camellia also grows red spiders, but they are relatively rare. Without potent pesticides such as dimethoate or dichlorvos, red spiders are difficult to eradicate. The only way to avoid camellia and other plants is to reduce the probability of infection. Some fungi may cause rottenness.If spots appear on the roots or leaves, thiophanate-methyl can be used to prevent them. I think this ingredient is more effective than carbendazim, just irrigate the roots.

The phenomenon of leaf drooping and falling leaves is common in summer. It is mostly caused by water, root rot and high temperature. If the cause is not clear, the plant should be moved to a cool place with anti-fungal drugs, and no more water.water.

Treatment at flowering stage: I tried to use gibberellin to cut the leaf buds next to the flower buds in half, and apply a small amount of 0.1% gibberellin to the stump to increase the flower diameter. But it is easy to cause bursting or bloomingPoor, or the text flap opens into a martial flap.

Bud thinning: If it is a cutting seedling of about two years, don’t leave a single flower bud. For seedlings of about four years, I usually leave one bud every other branch, and only the top bud on the strong branch. If thinning is carried out, And proper water and fertilizer management, usually no buds or burnt buds appear.

Pruning: If the plant type is too long, cutting off a certain length can promote branching. Some varieties, such as Xiaotaohong, have a compact plant type. You need to pay attention to some weak branches.

That’s all you can think of. If you’re a novice, don’t chase Yuncha, and start with some of the major products of East China Tea. Chidan and Liexiang will not lose too much if they hang. Camellia grows slowly.Xiao Miao does not always have flowers to watch every year. Don’t worry, birth, old age, sickness and death are all processes of life, and Camellia is not considered delicate, and a little patience is enough.

Edit: flower-fans
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