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Venus flytrap waist water conservation

2014-11-14 06:55 Source: http: //www.flower-fans.com Author: Network

Venus flytrap waist water cultivation is now used by many flower lovers. When using the waist water method for maintenance, you only need to pay special attention to the high temperature in summer. The waist water bottom will increase the water temperature rapidly due to strong sunlight.The hot boiling water is absorbed by the bottom of the pot to the surface of the medium to evaporate, and the moisture cannot take away the heat from the roots of the plants, which is the main cause of "rotten roots".

Venus flytraps that survive in nature are often exposed to long-term strong sunlight. Although the temperature of the ground does not rise for a while, a large amount of water evaporates from the ground to the ground. While the water evaporates, the temperature of the ground is lower than that of the ground, and it is coolThe moisture will take away the heat from the roots of the plants.

After understanding the laws of nature, just adjust the cultivation medium appropriately. Choose a medium that retains water, breathes, and improves heat dissipation. The medium is as follows:

1. Put it in the wild: place coarse-grained phytoliths or foam blocks, sponge blocks to absorb water while maintaining ventilation at the bottom of the basin: 100% pure sphagnum or 40% medium or fineGrain red jade soil or 20% peat soil mixed with 20% red jade soil lock in water and maintain humidity. Because the water volatilizes too quickly when wild + 60% medium and fine-grained mixed phytolith or 30% medium and fine-grainedMixed plantation stone + 30% medium-grain imperial stone provides excess water after mixing the red jade soil, so that the upper layer of the mixed medium can still maintain good air permeability waist water up and down a quarter pot. "If the summer temperature exceedsAbove 30°C, it should be shaded by 50% or placed in soft and bright scattered light"

2. Stuffy: "Place coarse-grained phytoliths or foam blocks at a quarter of the bottom of the basin to absorb water while maintaining ventilation The upper layer can use 100% pure sphagnum or 40% medium or fine-grained red jade soilOr 20% peat soil mixed with 20% red jade soil lock in moisture and maintain humidity. Because the moisture volatilizes too fast when placed in the wild + 60% medium and fine-grained mixed phytoliths or 30% medium and fine-grained mixed phytoliths+30% of the medium-grained imperial stone provides excessive moisture after mixing the red jade soil, so that the upper layer of the mixed medium can still maintain good air permeability below a quarter of the waist water. "If the summer temperature exceeds 30 degrees CAbove, the stuffed container should not be covered or more than 10 cm above the plant keep the top of the container ventilated, and at the same time shade 50% or place it in soft and bright scattered light."

Edit: flower-fans
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