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Picture of what prickly pear looks like

2020-08-13 19:36 Source: flower-fans Author: Edit Original

Prickly pear may be unfamiliar to most flower lovers, and may think it is a certain kind when it bloomsChinese rose, so many flower friends want to see what the prickly pear looks like. The editor took a few photos and sent them for reference!

Rosa roxbunghii Rosa roxbunghii is the fruit of the reeling flower of the Rosaceae perennial deciduous shrub. It is also known as Yamanwang fruit, thorn berry, Franco, Ci pear, and wood pear., Nine-headed bird, Wen Xianguo.

The fruit is flat spherical, 3~4 cm in diameter, green-red green at the beginning, light yellow in the middle, green-red in the later period, densely needled on the outside, fruit period from August to October. Slightly fragrant, sour, astringent, slightly sweetCan be eaten.

The prickly pear is a unique wild resource on the Yunnan-Guizhou Plateau and the Western Plateau of Sichuan. It is mainly produced in Guizhou, Hunan and Xiangxi, followed by Yunnan. It is also distributed in Liangshan, northern and eastern Sichuan. Now it is scattered and widely distributed.Parks have also been introduced. The pictures in the article were taken in a park in Xuzhou, Jiangsu.

Edit: flower-fans
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